Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We need your help!

If you are a part of the PEZHeads group on yahoo then you are familiar with the "PEZ Head of the Month". If you aren't, I'll fill you in quickly. Each month members of the group nominate other members to be awarded "PEZ Head of the Month". Once the nominations are in, all the members vote on the candidates to select a new "PHOTM".  Got it?

This month, I nominated a guy that I feel embodies everything we as PEZ collectors love so much about the hobby. Aside from his passion for PEZ and his knowledge of ALL THINGS PEZ, he is a stand up guy and has always been helpful. He has been nominated 3 times but has never been awarded "PHOTM". His time is now! It's long overdue and we need your help!

I need EVERYONE to send in your vote for CHRIS CATLIN

Votes have to be in by NOON on SATURDAY, JUNE 8TH

It's easy! All you need to do is send an email saying "MY VOTE IS FOR CHRIS CATLIN". In the subject line of your email include the words "PHOTM - JUNE"

Send your email to Luvpez@gmail.com

Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate everyone's help! Let's make this happen!

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