Sunday, December 14, 2014


Hello fellow PEZHeads! I am coming to you in hopes that someone in the PEZ Community can help. I have been looking for the past week and a half for the new My Little Pony dispensers featuring Pinky Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. My Little Pony is Lake's favorite show and she is obsessed with it. To be honest, I've come fond of watching it with her myself. The writing is great and the show is fantastic.

Of course, since the day the first photo of these showed up online, she has been dead set on adding these to our collection. I had hoped to have them before Christmas so they could be her stocking stuffer but I think time has probably run out on that. If there is anyone out there that can help me acquire a set of these dispensers, please email me at to work out arrangements.

Thanks guys!

Happy Hunting!!!

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